Lern Ballon HTML5 Application - UI/UX, Web UI/UX, Graphics, Art Direction

The school district management group from St. Gallen Switzerland was searching for a competent partner to undertake a complete refresh and new distribution system of older CD products for still-in-use Math courses and lessons. My team and I were selected to bid for the project and were successful with the selection process.

We re-designed, produced, launched and manage the new AWS cloud-driven HTML5 applications. Leveraging the ease-of-use of a browser app students can log in and use the cross-platform app from anywhere anytime in addition to the classroom.

We increased the engagement with the education content with an integration of a gamification system of our own design, that both rewards students with customizable ‘stickers’, as well provide useful tracking metrics for educators in the backend admin section of the application.

As part of the app suite, we provided a full licensing system the school district uses for school distribution and subscriptions.